Deep in the rugged bushveld, in the heart of an ancient volcano, lies the world's most unique resort, the internationally acclaimed Sun City. The Resort has a unique heartbeat and an African rhythm of its own and is unlike any other Resort destination in the world. This is pure fantasy and your every desire is met.
The Palace of the Lost City |
The Palace of the Lost City in South Africaranks as one of the world's most extraordinary hotels. The centerpiece of the extraordinary Palace of the Lost City Complex is a fairytale palace residence, built with unbelievable attention to detail. The interior features exquisite mosaics, frescoes and hand-painted ceilings depicting South Africa 's wildlife and culture.
Golf Course |
The Lost City Golf Course is an 18-hole desert-style golf course with spectacular views across the bushveld. Unique to this 72 par course are the real crocodiles at the 13th hole making this one of the most unusual golf resorts in the world, let alone in Africa.
The Valley of the Waves |
The Sun City Resort have free access to the Valley of the Waves. This is the most advanced water park in South Africa. A large lagoon dominates the scene with a wave machine capable of generating 1.8 metre waves every 90 seconds. This water park has five exhilarating flume rides.
Casino |
The Casinos have all the most popular Vegas games. Whether your game is Craps, Blackjack, Roulette, Poker, or one of the many other casino games, let Sun City Casino create a night you won't soon forget.